26 emner - 435 underemner - 7.311 preview's - 132.681photo's

   Index    Index
  Arbejdsmiljøer   Work
  Baggrunde   Wall papers
  Brandudrykning & Politi   Fire alarm & Police
  Byggeri & anlæg   Building & Works
  Computer   Computer
  Diverse   Miscellaneous
  Droner   Droner
  Historie & fortidsminder   History and artifacts
  Foto, TV & nyhedsmedier   Photo, television & newspapers
  Fly & flyvning   Aeroplane & aviation
  Fritid & hobbies   Leisure & Hobbies
  Gartneri   Garden Nursery
  Hus & have   House & Gardening
  Jagt & fiskeri   Hunting & Fishing
  Kirker & religioner   Churches & Religions
  Kunst & kultur   Art & Culture
  Landbrug   Agriculture
  Lokaliteter   Locations
  Mennesker & miljøer   People & Places
  Miljø & forurening   Environment & Pollution
  Naturen   Nature
  Parker & slotte   Parks & Castles
  Skibe & både   Ships & Boats
  Skovbrug & savværk   Forestry & Sawmill
  Trafik   Traffic
  Udstillinger & museer   Exhibitions & Museums

 Arbejdsmiljøer / Work

Arbejdsmiljøer / Works: - preview 1- 67 - 1.326 photos
Asfaltarbejde / Asphalting: - preview 1- 14 - 266 photos
Brøndboringer og prøveboringer / Well drillings & geotechnical test drillings: - preview 1- 28 - 550 photos
Banker finans og penge / Banks finance and money: - preview 1- 11 - 201 photos
Butiker og detailhandel / Shops and retail trade: - preview 1- 20 - 386 photos
Elforsyning & fjernvarme / Electricity supply and distant heating: - preview 1- 57 - 1.133 photos
Montere nyt naturgasfyr / Install new natural gas furnace: - preview 1- 7 - 130 photos
Møder & kurser / Meetings & courses: - preview 1- 4 - 79 photos
Nedrivning / Demolition: - preview 1- 6 - 115 photos
Rensningsanlæg / Sewage disposal plant: - preview 1- 8 - 87 photos
Skibsværft og bådebyggeri / Shipyard and boatbuilding: - preview 1- 7 - 124 photos
Post Danmark / Danish postal: - preview 1- 5 - 87 photos
Smedien / Forge: - preview 1- 8 - 96 photos
Stilladser / Scaffolding: - preview 1- 3 - 53 photos
Torvehallerne i København / Foodmarket in Copenhagen: - preview 1- 7 - 129 photos
Trykkerier / Printinghouses: - preview 1- 8 - 112 photos
Træindustri / Wood industry: - preview 1- 21 - 305 photos
Træfældning, topkapning og beskæring / Tree felling, pollarding and pruning: - preview 1- 7 - 140 photos
Virksomheder / Companies: - preview 1- 16 - 303 photos

 Baggrunde / Wall Papers

Baggrunde / Wall Papers: - preview 1- 3 - 48 photos

 Brandudrykning, redning & Politi / Fire alarm, rescue and Police

Brand & redning / Fire alarm & rescue: - preview 1- 54 - 1.076 photos
Falck Nutec: - preview 1- 4 - 47 photos
Politi / Police: - preview 1- 18 - 349 photos

 Byggeri & entreprenørarbejder / Building & Contracting

Anlæg veje og stier / Making roads and pavements: - preview 1- 20 - 391 photos

Byggeri / Building: - preview 1- 57 - 1.139 photos

Byggeri af nyt rådhus / Construction of the new city hall: - preview 1- 129 - 2.561 photos
Byggeri af Egedal kommunes nye Plejecenter Egeparken
Construction of Nursing Center Oak Park- preview 1- 78 - 1.557 photos
Boligbyggeri / House building: - preview 1- 10 - 115 photos

Butiksbyggeri / Shop building: - preview 1- 25 - 498 photos

Byggeri af to Netto dicountbutikker i Jyllinge
Building of two Netto discount stores in Jyllinge: - preview 1- 31 - 616 photos

Byggekraner / Guy derrick: - preview 1- 8 - 158 photos

Egevænge - boligbyggeri / Egealley - housing construction: - preview 1- 95 - 1.898 photos

Elementbyggeri / System building: - preview 1- 4 - 63 photos

Erhvervsbyggeri / Industrial and commercial building: - preview 1- 65 - 1.291 photos

Kirkebyggeri / Church building: - preview 1- 27 - 321 photos

Metro byggeri / Metro construction: - preview 1- 2 - 31 photos

Lægge granitfliser i Egedal Centeret / Laying granite tiles in Egedal Center: - preview 1- 8 - 152 photos

Skolebyggeri / School building: - preview 1- 18 - 215 photos

Typehusbyggeri / Standard house building: - preview 1- 9 - 173 photos

Vinterbyggeri / Winter building: - preview 1- 8 - 109 photos

Bygningsrenovering / Building repair: - preview 1- 20 - 388 photos

Broer og brobygning / Bridges and Bridge Work: - preview 1- 9 - 173 photos

Gravearbejde / Digging: - preview 1- 6 - 117 photos

Kloakering / Sewerage: - preview 1- 6 - 115 photos

Mobilkran & sværtransport / Mobile crane & heavy transportation: - preview 1- 8 - 153 photos

Nyt spor til Frederikssund / New rails to Frederikssund, Denmark: - preview 1- 26 - 382 photos
Renovering af hellig Kors Kirke / Renovation of Holy Cross Church: - preview 1- 11 - 201 photos
Renovering af vejbroer / Maintenance of Road Bridges: - preview 1- 108 - 2.157 photos
Styret underboring / Directional drilling: - preview 1- 3 - 54 photos
Tagtækning / Thatching : - preview 1- 9 - 180 photos


Apple Computer 1976 to 1984: - preview 1- 2 - 21 photos

Computer Cookies & Hacker snack's... :-) - preview 1- 1 - 8 photos

Gl. computere / Old Computers: - preview 1- 2 - 21 photos

MacBruger / MacUser workshop's: - preview 1- 59 - 1176 photos

Apple Macintosh: - preview 1- 6 - 108 photos
Windows computers: - preview 1- 3 - 52 photos

 Diverse fotos / Miscellaneous Photos

Antenner / Antennas: - preview 1- 8 - 157 photos
Brænde / Firewood: - preview 1- 4 - 62 photos
Bagere, bagning, brød og kager / Bakers, baking, bread and cakes: - preview 1- 18 - 342 photos
Brønddæksler / Manhole cover: - preview 1- 10 - 181 photos
Brolægning / Paving: - preview 1- 3 - 56 photos
COP15 i København / COP15 in Copenhagen: - preview 1- 4 - 53 photos
Diverse fotos / Miscellaneous Photos: - preview 1-51 - 1.008 photos
Ganløse Kro tilbage i 70'erne: - preview 1- 44 - 661 photos
Gaseksplotion / Gas explosion: - preview 1- 2 - 14 photos
Graffiti: - preview 1- 22 - 428 photos
Hamp og hash - Hemp and hashis - preview 1- 20 - 382 photos
Health & Rehab messen 2021 i Bella Centeret: - preview 1- 7 - 130 photos
Health & Rehab messen 2023 i Bella Centeret: - preview 1- 5 - 93 photos
Hot chili: - preview 1- 8 - 155 photos
Mad & drikke / Foods & beveraqes: - preview 1- 32 - 632 photos
Militæret / Army: - preview 1- 18 - 355 photos
Et ord med på vejen / A word on the road ...: - preview 1- 12 - 239 photos-
Oversvømmelser / Floods: - preview 1- 8 - 159 photos
Panoramaer / Panoramas: - preview 1- 55 - 230 photos
Penge/ Money: - preview 1- 4 - 56 photos
Produktfotos - reklamefotos - packshots / Product photos - advertising photos - packshots: - preview 1- 6 - 115 photos
Rejser / Travel: - preview 1- 1 - 6 photos
Ferie Sicilien / Hollyday Sicilien: - preview 1- 5 - 81 photos
Skilte & reklame / Signs & advertising: - preview 1- 33 - 659 photos
Storme og stormflod - Storms and flooding: - preview 1- 26 - 510 photos
Stickers: - preview 1- 12 - 240 photos
Ure og tid / Clocks and time: - preview 1- 3 - 59 photos
Uroligheder på Nørrebro / Riots in Copenhagen: - preview 1- 13 - 146 photos


Drone fotos - Drone photos: - preview 1- 30 - 592 photos
Droner og relateret hardware - Drones and related hardware: - preview 1- 3 - 55 photos
Luftfotos Egedal by - Arial photo Egedal city: - preview 1- 5 - 90 photos
Luftfotos optaget med en drone - photos taken with a drone: - preview 1- 13 - 244 photos
Mennesker fotograferet med en drone - People photographed with a drone: - preview 1- 3 - 54 photos

 Fortidsminder og historie / Artifacts and History

Arkæologi / Archaeology: - preview 1- 17 - 335 photos
Danmarks Oldtid / Denmarks antiquity: - preview 1- 17 - 339 photos
Stenalder, bronzealder, jernalder & vikingetiden / Stone, bronze, iron age and the viking period
Gamle broer / Old bridges: - preview 1 of 6 - 104 photos
Gamle mejerier / Old dairies: - preview 1 of 2 - 37 photos
Gamle vejsten / Old road stone: - preview 1 of 4 - 79 photos
Gravhøje / Burial mounds: - preview 1 of 12 - 221 photos
Jættestuer / Passage graves: - preview 1 of 12 - 223 photos
Stendysser / Dolmens: - preview 1 of 11 - 201 photos
Historie diverse / History misc.: - preview 1- 21 - 412 photos
Kilometersten / Milestones: - preview 1- 20 - 390 photos
Middelalder & renæssance / Middle age & renaissance: - preview 1- 2 - 15 photos
Gamle vind- og vandmøller / Old windmills and watermills: - preview 1- 25 - 489 photos
Udgravning og restaurering af jættestuen 'Stuehøj' /
Excavation and restoration of the passage grave 'Stuehoej': - preview 1- 44 - 523 photos
Ruinerne under Christiansborg / Ruins under Christiansborg Palace: - preview 1- 3 - 42 photos
Restaurering af kalkmalerier / Restoration of fresco paintings: - preview 1- 5 - 53 photos

 Foto, TV & nyhedsmedier / Photo, television and newspapers

Fotografi & udstyr / Photography & equipment: - preview 1- 20 - 387 photos
Fotomessen 2012 i København / Photo Fair 2012 in Copenhagen: - preview 1- 6 - 103 photos
Fotomessen 2013 i København / Photo Fair 2013 in Copenhagen: - preview 1- 10 - 187 photos
MonitorExpo 2014 in Copenhagen: - preview 1- 11 - 201 photos
Pressefotografer / Press Photographers: - preview 1- 5 - 86 photos
TV & nyhedsmedier / Television and newspapers: - preview 1- 35 - 682 photos
Videoudstyr / Video equipment: - preview 1- 4 - 66 photos

 Fritid & hobbies / Leisure & Hobbies

Fritid & hobbies / Leisure & Hobbies - preview 1- 6 - 103 photos

 Fly & flyvning / Aeroplanes & aviation

Flyshow / Airshow : - preview 1- 7 - 136 photos
Fly / Aeroplanes: - preview 1- 23 - 446 photos
Svævefly & UL-fly / Gliders & UL-planes: - preview 1- 9 - 175 photos
Faldskærmsudspring / Parashuting: - preview 1- 2 - 31 photos
Varmluftballon / Hot-air ballons: - preview 1- 11 - 215 photos

 Plantager, gartnerier & planteskoler / Plantation, green houses & nurseries

Bærplantage & bærhøst / Berry plantation & harvest: - preview 1- 4 - 73 photos
Frugtplantage & æblehøst / Fruit plantation & apple harvest: - preview 1- 12 - 226 photos
Gartneri & grøntsager / Nurseries & vegetables: - preview 1- 12 - 234 photos
Planteskole / Nursery: - preview 1- 4 - 72 photos

 Huse & haver / House & Gardening

Boligen / Interiors: - preview 1- 5 - 94 photos

Huse og bygninger / Houses & Buildings: - preview 1- 45 - 883 photos

Husgavle / House gables: - preview 1- 4 - 65 photos

Navne på huse / House names: - preview 1- 1 - 20 photos

Husnumre / House numbers: - preview 1- 2 - 28 photos

Vinduer og døre / Windows and doors: - preview 1- 13 - 245 photos

Tage / Roof's: - preview 1- 6 - 101 photos

Utæt vandrør og vandskade / Leaking water pipes and water damage - preview 1- 20 - 390 photos

Vejrhaner & vindvisere / Weathercocks: - preview 1- 24 - 475 photos

Brolægning af havegang / Paving a Garden Path: - preview 1- 2 - 21 photos

Allan Hytholms have / Allan Hytholm's garden: - preview 1- 4 - 70 photos

Blomster og haveplanter / Flowers and Garden Plants: - preview 1- 46 - 907 photos

Haver / Gardens: - preview 1- 25 - 493 photos

Have- & karpedamme / Garden with a Carp Pond: - preview 1- 10 - 185 photos

Jørn & Sonja Dannesboes have / Joern & Sonja Dannesboe's garden: - preview 1- 102 - 2.037 photos

Stenhuggerens have / Stone mason's garden: - preview 1- 7 - 137 photos

Urtehaver / Herb Gardens: - preview 1- 33 - 649 photos
Biavl / Bee-keeping: - preview 1- 11 - 213 photos

 Jagt & fiskeri / Hunting & Fishing

ABU-Museet i Svängsta / ABU-Museum in Svängsta: - preview 1- 4 - 79 photos

Erhvervsfiskeri / Fishing: - preview 1- 44 - 869 photos

Fiskegrejs loppemarked / Fishing tackle flea market: - preview 1- 20 - 379 photos

Fritidsfiskeri / Small scale non commercial fishing: - preview 1- 53 - 1.057 photos

Jagt / Hunting: - preview 1- 13 - 259 photos

Gammelt fiskegrej - Old fishing gear: - preview 1- 4 - 61 photos
Geddedysten i Københavns søer / Pike fishing competition in Copenhagen lakes - preview 1- 3 - 59 photos
Isfiskeri / Ice fishing: - preview 1- 6 - 110 photos
Lystfiskeri / Angling: - preview 1- 41 - 818 photos
Lystfiskeri i Københavns havn / Fishing in Copenhagen harbor: - preview 1- 5 - 85 photos
Lystfiskeriforeningen / Angling association: - preview 1- 32 - 627 photos
Lystfiskeriforeningens både / Angling associations boat's: - preview 1- 5 - 92 photos
LF's både på søerne / LF's boats on the lakes - preview 1- 25 - 486 photos
Lystfiskeriforeningens grejauktion og loppemarked
Angling Association gear auction and flea marke: - preview 1- 9 - 174 photos
Kajak, flydering og pontonbåd / Kayak, belly boat and pontoon boat: - preview 1- 6 - 110 photos
Fisk og fangster / Fish and catches: - preview 1- 18 - 344 photos
Rygning af fisk / Smoking fish: - preview 1- 5 - 94 photos
Lystfiskeri fra kysten / Fishing from shore: - preview 1- 18 - 353 photos
Medefiskeri og karpefiskeri / Coarse fishing and carp fishing: - preview 1- 15 - 283 photos
Ture med lystfiskerskib / Tours with angler ship: - preview 1- 9 - 165 photos
Lystfiskegrej / Fishing-tackle: - preview 1- 34 - 664 photos
Det lille Lystfiskermuseum / The litle Angler Museum: - preview 1- 4 - 80 photos
Put & take fiskeri / Put and take fishing: - preview 1- 10 - 186 photos
Fiskeringen's Streetfishing Cup in Copenhagen 2015: - preview 1- 8 - 153 photos
Diverse lystfiskeri / Misc. angling: - preview 1- 6 - 112 photos
Undervandsjagt - Underwater Hunting: - preview 1- 1 - 11 photos
Artikler omkring lystfiskeri, fritidsfiskeri, erhvervsfiskeri og jagt

 Kirker & religioner / Churches & Religions

Asetro - vintersolhverv / Asetro - midwinter solstice: - preview 1- 3 - 49 photos
Buddhisme & Buddhistisk tempel / Buddhism & Buddhist Temple: - preview 1- 7 - 138 photos
By-kirker / City Churches: - preview 1- 25 - 499 photos
Folkekirken / National Church: - preview 1- 13 - 259 photos
Gamle landsby-kirker / Old Churches: - preview 1- 90 - 1.793 photos
Indvielse af Hellig Kors Kirke i Jyllinge: - preview 1- 10 - 114 photos
Religioner diverse / Religions misc.: - preview 1- 10 - 185 photos
Religionshistorie / Religious history: - preview 1- 2 - 21 photos
Restaurering af kalkmalerier / Restoration of fresco paintings: - preview 1- 5 - 53 photos
Restaurering af kirker / Restoration of old Churches: - preview 1- 2 - 28 photos
Roskilde Domkirke / Roeskilde Cathedral: - preview 1- 7 - 122 photos
Nye Kirker / New Churches: - preview 1- 20 - 393 photos

Taarbæk Kirke / Taarbaek Church: - preview 1- 32 - 624 photos

 Kunst, kultur & musik / Art, Culture & Music

Christianias aktionsteater: - preview 1- 10 - 185 photos
Cisternerne - preview 1- 3 - 49 photos
Egnsspil i Jyllinge 2002 - Jydeslaget opført af GAS - preview 1- 4 - 74 photos
Gammelgaard - Kunst & Kulturcenter / Arts & Culture center. - preview 1- 3 - 58 photos
Glyptoteket København / Glyptoteket Copenhagen: - preview 1- 6 - 63 photos

J. F. Willumsens Museum i Frederikssund: - preview 1- 4 - 75 photos
Keramik / Pottery: - preview 1- 3 - 42 photos

Kultur / Culture: - preview 1- 6 - 104 photos

Kulturnatten i København 2004 - 2006 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 & 2011
Culture nigth in Copenhagen 2004 - 2006 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 & 2011: - preview 1- 28 - 543 photos

Kunst / Arts: - preview 1- 5 - 92 photos

Maglerok: - preview 1- 3 - 42 photos

Musik / Music: - preview 1- 45 - 891 photos

Millenium Pro Retro: - preview 1- 4 - 64 photos

Patchwork & Quilt: - preview 1- 2 - 31 photos

Plantefarvernes sommermarked / Plant colour summer market: - preview 1- 4 - 73 photos

Rollespil / Live Action Roleplaying - preview 1- 22 - 427 photos

Roskilde Festival 1978 - 1979 - 1980 - preview 1- 16 - 316 photos

Roskilde Festival 2013 - preview 1- 29 - 572 photos

Russisk kunst / Russian modern Paintings: - preview 1- 1 - 3 photos

Sundtoldsmarkedt i Helsingør / Oeresund custom's market in Elsinore: - preview 1- 6 - 117 photos

Tyrkisk kulturfestival i København / Turkish cultural festival in Copenhagen: - preview 1- 4 - 76 photos

Ungeren på Nørrebro / Ungdomshuset in Copenhagen: - preview 1- 8 - 153 photos

Indvielse af nyt Ungdomshus den 18. oktober 2008: - preview 1- 6 - 113 photos

A viking saga filmoptagelse / A viking saga filming: - preview 1- 2 - 23 photos
Vikingelandsbyen i Risby / Vikings village in Risby: - preview 1- 18 - 354 photos
Vikingegruppen Bifrost / Viking group Bifrost: - preview 1- 2 - 30 photos
Vikingemarked / Viking festival Frederikssund: - preview 1- 78 - 1.546 photos
Vikingespil Frederikssund / Viking theatre Frederikssund: - preview 1- 10 - 200 photos
Vikingespil Frederikssund 2011/ Viking theatre Frederikssund 2011: - preview 1- 24 - 464 photos
Vikingespil bag scenen/ Viking theatre backstage: - preview 1- 6 - 104 photos
Vikingesfestival Frederikssund / Viking festival Frederikssund: - preview 1- 2 - 26 photos

 Landbrug / Agriculture

Afgrøder / Crops: - preview 1- 12 - 232 photos

Gårde / Farms: - preview 1- 27 - 537 photos

Landbrug diverse / Agriculture misc.: - preview 1- 24 - 474 photos

Husdyr / Domestic animals:
Får, lam og væddere / Sheep, lambs and rams: - preview 1-7 - 126 photos
Fjerkræ / Poultry: - preview 1-5 - 97 photos
Heste, hestvogne og ryttere / Horses, horse carriages and riders: - preview 1-27 - 524 photos
Malkekøer og kødkvæg / Dairy cows and beef cattle: - preview 1-18 - 354 photos
Svin / Pigs: - preview 1-4 - 62 photos
Div. husdyr / Misc. domestic animals: - preview 1-3 - 54 photos

Jordbehandling / Cultivating the Field: - preview 1- 37 - 733 photos

Høst / Harvest: - preview 1- 20 - 396 photos
Marker / Fields: - preview 1- 30 - 589 photos
Sprøjte med gift og sprede kunstgødning / Spraying pesticides and spreading fertilizer: - preview 1- 10 - 183 photos
Økologi / Ecology: - preview 1 -26 - 517 photos

 Lokaliteter / Locations

Allerød: - preview 1- 7 - 136 photos

Ballerup & Måløv / Ballerup & Maaloev: - preview 1- 4 - 68 photos

Brønshøj / Broenshoej: - preview 1- 3 - 30 photos

Charlottenlund: - preview 1- 4 - 70photos

Christiania vol .1: - preview 1- 5 - 59 photos
Christiania vol .2: - preview 1- 16 - 314 photos

Copenhagen by night: - preview 1- 11 - 214 photos

Div. lokaliteter / Misc. locations: - preview 1- 10 - 189 photos

Dragør / Dragoer: - preview 1- 4 - 66 photos

Egedal kommune: - preview 1- 3 - 51 photos

Esbjerg: - preview 1- 7 - 74 photos

Eskilsø / Eskil's island: - preview 1- 11 - 129 photos

Farum: - preview 1- 27 - 527 photos

Frederikssund: - preview 1- 43 - 853 photos

Fredensborg og Esrum Sø / Fredensborg and Esrum Lake - preview (1 of 6) - 103 photos

Frederiksberg - preview (1 of 1) - 17 photos

Fyn: - preview 1- 3 - 59 photos

Gentofte sø / Gentofte lake - preview 1- 1 - 12 photos

Gerlev: - preview 1- 1 - 20 photos

Gershøj / Gershoej: - preview 1- 3 - 41 photos

Gladsaxe: - preview 1- 3 - 56 photos

Jyllinge & Gundsømagle / Jyllinge & Gundsoemagle: - preview 1- 35 - 692 photos

Helsingør / Helsingoer - preview 1- 7 - 134 photos

Herlev: - preview 1- 2 - 22 photos

Hillerød / Hilleroed: - preview 1- 5 - 91 photos

Holmen: - preview 1- 4 - 80 photos

Hove Ledøje Smørum / Hove Ledoeje Smoerum : - preview 1- 10 - 193 photos

Hornbæk / Hornbaek : - preview 1- 2 - 32 photos

Hørsholm / Hoersholm : - preview 1- 4 - 65 photos

Jægersborg Dyrehave / Jaegersborg Deer Park: - preview 1- 12 - 221 photos

Jægerspris / Jaegerspris: - preview 1- 6 - 114 photos

Kalundborg: - preview 1- 5 - 64 photos

Karrebæksminde / Karrebaeksminde: - preview 1- 3 - 33 photos

Kastellet i København / Kastellet in Copenhagen: - preview 1- 6 - 115 photos

Kattinge: - preview 1- 3 - 30 photos

Kellers Park v. Vejle Fjord: - preview 1- 5 - 53 photos

Klintholm Havn / Klintholm Harbor - preview 1- 3 - 42 photos

København / Copenhagen: - preview 1- 82 - 1.640 photos

Københavns byvåben / Copenhagen City Arms: - preview 1- 6 - 112 photos

Københavns rådhus / Copenhagen City Hall: - preview 1- 4 - 79 photos

Kødbyen / Koedbyen (Copenhagen Meat Market): - preview 1- 4 - 80 photos

Københavns havne / Copenhagen harbor's: - preview 1- 13 - 250 photos

Kørsør / Korsoer: - preview 1- 5 - 50 photos

Kulhuse: - preview 1- 3 - 29 photos

Kyndeløse / Kyndeloese: - preview 1- 1 - 17 photos

Langeland: - preview 1- 12 - 221 photos

Lyngby-Taarbæk / Lyngby-Taarbaek: - preview 1- 20 - 389 photos

Morsø - Mors Island: - preview 1- 14 - 263 photos

Mølleådalen / Millriver valley: - preview 1- 31 - 620 photos

Møns Klint / The Cliff of Moen: - preview 1- 5 - 99 photos

Næstved /Naestved: - preview 1- 9 - 101 photos

Nyboder i København / Nyboder in Copenhagen: - preview 1- 3 - 35 photos

Nordvestjylland - North west Jutland: - preview 1- 2 - 24 photos

Nyhavn / Copenhagen New Port: - preview 1- 3 - 57 photos

Odden: - preview 1- 4 - 46 photos

Odense: - preview 1- 8 - 160 photos

Orø / Oroe island: - preview 1- 9 - 170 photos

Pederstrup landsby og Ballerup Kommunes egnsmuseum - preview 1- 14 - 266 photos

Risø Forskningscenter / Risoe National Laboratory: - preview 1- 6 - 113 photos

Roskilde: - preview 1- 22 - 435 photos

Roskilde Fjord / Roskilde Fiord: - preview 1- 61 - 1.212 photos

Rudersdal: - preview 1- 6 - 119 photos

Samsø /Samsoe Island: - preview 1- 54 - 808 photos

Sejerø /Sejer Island: - preview 1- 32 - 377 photos

Skamlebæk / Skamlebaek: - preview 1- 3 - 46 photos

Skuldelev: - preview 1- 4 - 69 photos

Slangerup / Slangerup: - preview 1- 10 - 186 photos

Snekkersten: - preview 1- 1 - 17 photos

Sverige / Sveden: - preview 1- 89 - 1.766 photos

Stege - en gammel købstad / Stege - a old market town - preview 1- 15 - 175 photos

Stenløse / Stenloese: - preview 1- 25 - 482 photos

Thylejren - Det Ny Samfund - The New Community: - preview 1- 12 - 223 photos

Torup - den økologisk landsby / Torup - ecovillage: - preview 1- 8 - 144 photos

Tåsinge / Taasinge: - preview 1- 12 - 229 photos

Valby: - preview 1- 5 - 83 photos

Vallekilde: - preview 1- 2 - 19 photos

Veddelev: - preview 1- 2 - 21 photos

Vordingborg: - preview 1- 3 - 46 photos

Værløse / Vaerloese: - preview 1- 5 - 100 photos

Ærø/ Aeroe island: - preview 1- 19 - 363 photos

Ølstykke / Oelstykke: - preview 1- 34 - 678 photos
Ørestad / Oerestad: - preview 1- 9 - 170 photos
Østrup landsby / Oestrup village: - preview 1- 2 - 29 photos
Århus / Aarhus: - preview 1- 13 - 256 photos
Aalborg: - preview 1- 15 - 289 photos
Luftfotos / Aerial photo's: - preview 1- 3 - 57 photos

 Mennesker & miljøer / People & Places

1. maj fest på Rolandsgaarden i Egedal kommune - preview 1-10 - 195 photos
REO atomkraft demonstration / REO nuclear power demo - preview 1-4 - 65 photos
Danmarks Radio P3 Madmissionen 2007 / Cooking Mission 2007 - preview: - preview 1- 18 - 216 photos

Danish outdoor festival 2017 & 2016 - preview: - preview 1- 18 - 192 photos

Dyrehavsbakken - forlystelsespark / Bakken - amusement park: - preview 1- 4 - 70 photos

Folkeafstemning / Referendrum: - preview 1- 20 - 400 photos

Eventyrnat i Frederikssund / Adventure Night in Frederikssund: - preview 1- 3 - 26 photos

Fastelavn for børn / Shrove Tide for kids: - preview 1- 11 - 210 photos

Fastelavn Veksø Sj. / Shrove Tide Veksoe Sj.
- part 1 - Gamle fotos / Old photos: - preview 1- 15 - 289 photos
- part 2 - Nye fotos / New photos: - preview 1- 54 - 1.077 photos

Grundlovsmøder på Metalskolen i Jørlunde og Edelgave gods i Smørum
Constitution Day in Denmark - preview 1- 11 - 210 photos

Handicap demonstration den 22, maj 2024- preview 1- 4 - 77 photosp

Havfruefest / Mermaid party - preview 1- 2 - 20 photos

Høstnat i Ølstykke / Oelstykke harvest night: - preview 1- 4 - 77 photos

Høstnat 2024 - Harvest night 2024 - preview 1- 2 - 38 photos

Indkøbscenter / Mart: - preview 1- 12 - 230 photos

Jul / Christmas: - preview 1- 26 - 515 photos

Jul i Tivoli / Christmas in Tivoli, Copenhagen: - preview 1- 5 - 56 photos

Karneval i København / Carnival In Copenhagen 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2008: - preview 1- 48 - 959 photos

Cirkus, kræmmer- og loppemarkeder / Fun Fair & Flea Markets: - preview 1- 20 - 397 photos

Lejrliv / Nature camp - preview: - preview 1- 32 - 628 photos

Lockout af folkeskolelærerne / Lockout of primary school teachers - preview: - preview 1- 6 - 110 photos

Mennesker og miljøer / People & Places: - preview 1- 58 - 1.147 photos

Mennesker i naturen / People in Nature: - preview 1- 37 - 729 photos

Modelfotos / Model photos: - preview 1- 4 - 72 photos

Nytår og fyrværkeri / New Years Eve & Fireworks: - preview 1- 18 - 356 photos

OAK - verdens største sæbekasseløb / The world's largest soap box car race: - preview 1- 23 - 453 photos

Occopy CPH and Stop milking the poor: - preview 1- 3 - 43 photos

Politik / Politics: - preview 1- 1 - 17 photos

Portrætter / Portraits: - preview 1- 6 - 116 photos

Sankt Hans bål / Midsummer Bonfire: - preview 1- 10 - 193 photos

Skole og undervisning / School & Education: - preview 1- 3 - 56 photos

Slutwalk Copenhagen 2011: - preview 1- 9 - 174 photos

Slutwalk Copenhagen 2017: - preview 1- 9 - 171 photos

Spejder / Scout's: - preview 1- 8 - 147 photos
Sport & idræt / Sports and athletics: - preview 1- 29 - 566 photos
Torvehandel / Market shopping: - preview 1- 9 - 165 photos
Tyrkiske indvandrer demonstrerer: - preview 1- 2 - 20 photos
Vagabonder / Vagabonds: - preview 1- 3 - 56 photos
Velfærdsdemonstration på Christanborg Slotsplads 2. oktober 2007 - preview 1- 12 - 140 photos
VIP portrætter / VIP portraits: - preview 1- 28 - 554 photos

World AIDS day: - preview 1- 4 - 47 photos
Økologisk festival / Organic Festival: - preview 1- 3 - 53 photos
Økologisk høstmarked / Organic harvest market: - preview 1- 13 - 244 photos

 Miljøet & forurening / Environment & Pollutions

Forurening med chrom og trichloroethylen /
Contamination with chromium and trichloroethylene - preview 1- 4 - 65 photos
Miljøet og forurening / Environment & Pollutions - preview 1- 30 - 591 photos
Grusgrav / Gravet pit - preview 1- 3 - 46 photos
Jord og grundvandsforurening i Skuldelev /
Soil and groundwater contamination in Skuldelev - preview 1 of 2 - 24 photos
Sørup losseplads / Soerup landfill - preview 1 of 4 - 71 photos

 Naturen / Nature

Blomster og planter / Flowers and plants: - preview 1- 117 - 2.333 photos

Blomster - ikke artsbestemt / Flowers not specified: - preview 1- 15 - 283 photos

Dyr / Animals:
- Fugle / Birds: - preview 1- 67 - 1.339 photos
- Pattedyr / Mammals: - preview 1- 9 - 163 photos
- Insekter / Insects: - preview 1- 32 - 638 photos
- Kæledyr / Pets: - preview 1- 10 - 192 photos
- Diverse dyr / Misc. animals: - preview 1- 9 - 164 photos

Døde dyr / Dead animals: - preview 1- 7 - 133 photos

Efterårsstormen '99 / Autumn Storm '99: - preview 1- 2 - 39 photos

Fjordens dag 2022 - 2023 & 2024 - Fjord's day 2022 - 2023 & 2024: - preview 1-9 - 164 photos

Grønne blade / Green leaves: - preview 1- 5 - 91 photos

Græsser og siv / Grasses and rushes: - preview 1- 11 - 202 photos

Hav og kyster / Sea & Coasts: - preview 1- 36 - 712 photos

Høslet i et kalkkær / Haymaking: - preview 1- 3 - 41 photos

Landskaber / Landscapes: - preview 1- 39 - 772 photos

Mörrumåen i sverige / Moerrum river in sweden: - preview 1- 10 - 196 photos

Mosser og lav / Moss & Lichen: - preview 1- 9 - 193 photos

Natur diverse / Nature misc.: - preview 1- 29 - 576 photos

Ornitologi & naturbeskyttelse / Ornitology and nature protection: - preview 1- 18 - 350 photos

Sillebro Å og ådal /Sillebro River and Rivers Valley: - preview 1- 12 - 233 photos

Skenkelsø Sø området / Skenkelsoe Lake area: - preview 1- 32 - 627 photos

Skyer / Clouds: - preview 1- 12 - 235 photos

Svampe / Mushrooms & Fungi: - preview 1- 30 - 586 photos

Tøvejr og forår / Thaw and spring: - preview 1- 10 - 191 photos

Træer og buske / Trees & Bushes: - preview 1- 59 - 1.167 photos

Vådområder / Moors, Lakes & Rivers: - preview 1- 77 - 1.525 photos

Værebroe ådal / Vaerebro Rivers Valley: - preview 1- 9 - 162 photos

Værebro Å / Vaerebro River: - preview 1- 25 - 498 photos

Vestrehus Naturskole: - preview 1- 8 - 143 photos

Vinterstorm / Winter Storm: - preview 1- 5 - 93 photos

Vinter, sne, is og rimfrost / Winter, Snow, Ice & Rime: - preview 1- 58 - 1.155 photos

 Parker & slotte / Parks & Castles

Botanisk Have i København / The Botanic Garden in Copenhagen: - preview 1- 27 - 525 photos
Slotte, herregårde og parker / Castles, Manors and Parks: - preview 1- 62 - 1.230 photos

 Skibe & både / Ships & Boats

Diverse både / Boats misc.: - preview 1- 27 - 540 photos

Færger / Ferries: - preview 1- 17 - 333 photos

Fiskekuttere og fiskejoller / Fishing vessels and fishing boats: - preview 1- 10 - 193 photos

Kano og kajak / Canoes and kayaks: - preview 1- 33 - 654 photos

Vindsurfer - kitesurfer - vandski og waketube / Vindsurfer - kitesurfer - water skiing and waketube - preview 1- 11 - 212 photos

Veterandampfærgen Skjelskør / Veteran steam ferry Skjelskoer: - preview 1- 17 - 339 photos

Vedligeholdelse af Skjelskør / Maintenance of Skjelskoer: - preview 1- 19 - 379 photos

Veteran dampskibet S/S Bjørn - Old steamship S/S Bjoern: - preview 1- 4 - 68 photos

Motorbåde / Motor Boats: - preview 1- 11 - 217 photos

Navigation / Navigation: - preview 1- 11 - 209 photos

Sejlbåde / Sailing Boats: - preview 1- 18 - 345 photos

Sejlskibe / Sailing ships: - preview 1- 8 - 156 photos

Skibe / Ships: - preview 1- 20 - 383 photos
Vikingeskibe / Viking ships: - preview 1- 9 - 178 photos

 Skovbrug, tømmer & savværk / Forestry, Timber & Sawmill

Skovbrug, tømmer og savværk / Forestry, Timber & Sawmill: - preview 1- 20 - 397 photos

 Trafik / Traffic

Biler / Cars: - preview 1- 26 - 505 photos

Bilisme diverse / Motoring: - preview 1- 33 - 648 photos

Busser / Busses: - preview 1- 5 - 95 photos

Broer / Bridges: - preview 1- 17 - 346 photos

Blovstrødbanen / Blovstroedbanen: - preview 1- 2 - 24 photos
Diverse jernbaner / Misc. railways: - preview 1- 24 - 470 photos

DSB Museumstog / DSB old train: - preview 1- 11 - 211 photos

El-løbehjul / electric scooter: - preview 1- 1 - 5 photos

Lastbiler / Trucks: - preview 1- 5 - 100 photos

Cykler / Bicycles: - preview 1- 42 - 836 photos

Gang- og cykelstier / Footpath and cycle track: - preview 1- 9 - 163 photos

Hullede og dårlige veje / Punched and bad roads: - preview 1- 6 - 118 photos

Metro / Metro Copenhagen: - preview 1- 8 - 148 photos

Morris minor 1000: - preview 1- 6 - 102 photos

Motocross: - preview 1- 3 - 49 photos

Motorcykler / Motorcycles: - preview 1- 11 - 206 photos
Motorsport, speedway og traktorræk / Motorsport, speedway and tractor pulling: - preview 1- 2 - 38 photos
Ny Supercykelsti / New Super Bike path: - preview 1- 12 - 227 photos
Skinneslibetog / Rail Grinder : - preview 1- 7 - 137 photos

Stationer & banegårde / Train Stations: - preview 1- 24 - 478 photos

S-tog / Electric Trains: - preview 1- 15 - 292 photos

Taxaer / Taxis: - preview 1- 1 - 19 photos

Tog / Trains: - preview 1- 6 - 103 photos

Veteranbiler / Vintage cars : - preview 1- 25 - 494 photos
Veterantog / Vintage train : - preview 1- 6 - 115 photos
Veteranløb / Vintage race : - preview 1- 5 - 91 photos

 Udstillinger & museer / Exhibitions & Museums

Danmarks Akvarium / Denmark's Aquarium: - preview 1- 10 - 197 photos

Den Blå Planet / The Blue Planet: - preview 1- 9 - 171 photos

Dueholm kloster på Mors / Dueholm monastery on Mors: - preview 1- 2 - 29 photos

Fjordcenter Jyllinge / The Fjord Centre Jyllinge: - preview 1-8 - 159 photos

Frederikssund Museum Færgegaarden / Frederikssund Museum Faergegaarden: - preview 1-6 - 108 photos

Brede værk - dansk industrikultur / Brede works - danish industrial culura: - preview 1-1 - 13 photos

Jagt- og skovbrugsmuseet i Hørsholm
The Danish Museum of Hunting and Forestry - preview 1-8 - 144 photos

Nanna og Jeppe Aakjærs hjem i Jenle - preview 1-3 - 48 photos

Frilandsmuseet / Open Air Museum: - preview 1-49 - 979 photos

Lejre - arkæologisk og historisk forsøgscenter
Lejre - center for experimental archaeology: - preview 1-24 - 285 photos

Middelaldercenteret på Lolland / The Medieval Centre on Lolland: - preview 1-15 - 293 photos

Zoologiske haver og dyreparker / Zoos and animal parks: - preview 1-9 - 164 photos

Sporvejsmuseet Skjoldenæsholm / Skjoldenæsholm Tramway Museum: - preview 1-14 - 165 photos

Samsø lokalhistorisk museum / Samsoe local history museum: - preview 1-4 - 80 photos

Skenkelsø Mølle / Skenkelsoe Mill: - preview 1- 23 - 449 photos
Tadre Mølle / Tadre watermill: - preview 1-15 - 286 photos

Tåsinge museum / Taasinge museum: - preview 1-2 - 38 photos

Værløse museum / Vaerloese Museum - preview 1- 4 - 74 photos

Vikingeskibsmuseet / Viking Ship Museum: - preview 1- 31 - 616 photos

© 2000 Niels Ebbesen - grafiker & fotograf
Valhals Plads 23 · 3650 Ølstykke · 47 17 56 22 · 40 33 69 40
info@niels-ebbesen.net · www.niels-ebbesen.net